QMirror BK

(500) Prepare batch programs to execute QMirror/BK

A faster way to execute QMirror/BK is to use batch programs.  A batch program named ‘run_qmirror_qmbk.bat’ was created in the QMirror/BK directory. Follow the instruction in ‘run_qmirror_qmbk.bat’ to preset all the parameters needed by QMirror/BK. You can get all the encrypted data from QMirror/BK console displayed under the interactive mode.  Notes: QMirror/BK keeps the last

(500) Prepare batch programs to execute QMirror/BK Read More »

(510) Install QMirror/BK as a Windows service

To install QMirror/BK as a Windows service: 1. Download QMirror_BK_1xxs.zip from https://www.qmirror.com/download/ 2. Uninstall the earlier QMirror/BK service from the Windows program menu list 3. Unzip, execute QMirror_BK_1xxs.exe, and follow the instructions 4. A program menu ‘QMirror BK Service’ will be created on Windows 5. Edit the preset parameters as needed in c:QMirrorBKServiceQMBK.ini Notes: QMirror/BK service keeps the last

(510) Install QMirror/BK as a Windows service Read More »

(100) Create AS400 user profiles for QMirror/BK

1. To create an AS400 user profile ‘QMIRROR’ on AS400,enter command: CRTUSRPRF USRPRF(QMIRROR) PASSWORD(xxxxxxxx) USRCLS(*USER) SPCAUT(*ALLOBJ *JOBCTL *IOSYSCFG *SAVSYS *SECADM) PWDEXPITV(*NOMAX) 2. Or use any existing user profile which owns SPCAUT(*ALLOBJ *JOBCTL *IOSYSCFG *SAVSYS *SECADM) authority 3. The user profile has to have the authority to execute the following commands: ALCOBJ, CHGJOB, CHGJRN, CHGPF, CHGPFM,

(100) Create AS400 user profiles for QMirror/BK Read More »

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