(410) Get QMirror/DB running log and status

The current states of QMirror/DB are kept in the system table QMIRROR.ZJBSTS. Please refer to (A50) Job log file (ZJBLOG) / Job status file (ZJBSTS) for table structure and field comments.

Administrator may monitor the running log and status of QMirror/DB on any PC at any location with the following three methods.

Method 1 – Use a web browser to monitor QMirror/DB status

Opening ‘QMirror Dashboard’ from the Windows program menu list, you will get a display similar to the one below.

Steps to setup QMirror Dashboard

1. Turn on Internet Information Services (IIS) on Windows

2. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

3. Remove Sites ‘Default Web Site’

4. Add Sites ‘QMirror’

4.1 Site Name – ‘QMirror’
4.2 Physical Path – ‘C:\QMirrorDB’
4.3 Binding Type – http
4.4 Binding IP Address – All Unassigned
4.5 Binding Port – 80

5. For PCs in the intranet – open browser by http://IP address/dashboard.html

6. If the web server port 80 is blocked, open Windows firewall for HTTP

http://www.supergeotek.com/ SGS10.0_ENG_HTML /firewallsetup.htm

7. Input configuration ID

7. Double click navigators to enlarge a particular chart

8. Double click the chart to return to the navigators

9. Click the configuration ID at upper-right corner to show the status report

Steps to setup SSL QMirror Dashboard

1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

2. Remove Sites ‘Default Web Site’

3. Create personal Self-Signed Certificate ‘QMirror’

4. Add Website ‘QMirror_https’

4.1 Site Name – ‘QMirror_https’
4.2 Physical Path – ‘C:\QMirrorDB’
4.3 Binding Type – https
4.4 Binding IP Address – All Unassigned
4.5 Binding Port – 443
4.6 Select SSL certificate – QMirror

5. For PCs in the intranet – by https://IP address/dashboard.html

6. If the web server port 443 is blocked, open Windows firewall for HTTPS


7. Input configuration ID

8. Double click navigators to enlarge a particular chart

9. Double click the chart to return to the navigators

10. Click the configuration ID at upper-right corner to show status report

Method 2 – Monitor QMirror by QMirror/DB command (not recommended)

1. To monitor QMirror/DB running log and status, the operators need to have the ‘SELECT’ privilege on the following tables:


‘xxxx_’ is the configuration ID for Multiple AS400s / PC databases configurations.

2. Execute QMirror/DB on a Windows command prompt. Take command option L – ‘Log Monitoring’.

3. Execute QMirror/DB on a Windows command prompt. Take command option S – ‘Status Monitoring’.

4. The monitor displays are refreshed every five seconds. For security reason, the only way to stop a monitoring display is to use Ctrl-C.

Method 3 – Review QMirror status by database SQL queries (not recommended)

1. Open PC database SQL studio

2. Login as database administrator

3. Execute SQL statement



4. Action description:

CUTOFF – Cutoff date / time of data replication, memory used
CURRENT DELAY – Current delay by seconds, time period
AVERAGE DELAY – Average delay by seconds, time period
MINIMUM DELAY – Minimum delay by seconds, time point
MAXIMUM DELAY – Maximum delay by seconds, time point

Previous (400) Normal running QMirror/DB
Next (420) Get QMirror/DB status log

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