Knowledge Base

(310) Install QMirror/DB on Linux

You can install QMirror/DB on Linux with WINE installed. WINE is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on Linux. Please refer to for more details. To enable the QMirror dashboard, you need to install an HTTP server on Linux. Some hints here to set up Apache server. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin admin@qmirrordb ServerName qmirrordb ServerAlias

(310) Install QMirror/DB on Linux Read More »

(360) Start / End AS400 journaling by QMirror/DB

QMirror/DB uses AS400 journal to do data replication. You can let QMirror/DB setup AS400 journaling for you. When you run QMirror/DB command option 8 – ‘Start / End AS400 journaling’, QMirror/DB will keep message queue (MSGQ), journal receivers (JRNRCV) and journal (JRN) into library ‘QMIRROR’. If command option 8 is not shown on the menu,

(360) Start / End AS400 journaling by QMirror/DB Read More »

(380) Upgrade QMirror/DB

Upgrade QMirror/DB is easy. All existing data on the target PC database are safe. No re-configuration is needed. Step 1. Stop QMirror/DB by taking Ctrl-C or command option 2 Step 2. Uninstall QMirror/DB from Windows server by c:\QMirrorDB\uninstall.exe Step 3. Uninstall QMirror/DB service by c:\QMirrorDBService\uninstall.exe Step 4. Download the latest version of QMirror/DB from

(380) Upgrade QMirror/DB Read More »

(400) Normal running QMirror/DB

Start QMirror/DB instance ROOT by c:\QMirrorDB\run_qmirror.bat or start QMirror DB other instances by c:\QMirrorDB\run_qmirror_xxxx.bat on a Windows command prompt. To execute a QMirror/DB instance, take command option 1 – ‘Start instance xxxx’. QMirror/DB x.x.x (released in 20xx/xx) command list (xxxx): 1 – Start instance xxxx 3 – Re-configuration4 – Build up table list from AS400 physical files 5 –

(400) Normal running QMirror/DB Read More »

(430) Re-download specified AS400 tables manually

You can re-download non-journaled or omit journaled physical files manually. Please refer to (370) Download journaled physical files without replication. To re-download specified AS400 physical files manually, you can change the download flag TBDWFG to ‘A‘ in system table QMIRROR.ZAMTBF for full table download. Or change TBDWFG to ‘Y‘ for ‘Selected Download.’ Please refer to (580) Selected Download if

(430) Re-download specified AS400 tables manually Read More »

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