Knowledge Base

(B20) Warning messages

W101 QMirror/DR configuration terminated W103 QMirror/DR license will be expired at the end of this month W104 QMirror/DR command terminated W303 AS400 at <IP address> is not running. Will re-connect <n> minutes later.  W305 Failed to build up the replication path. Re-starting QMirror/DR. W307 AS400 journal <library/journal> is not available now. Will try again later. W308 AS400 […]

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(A110) Upload transaction detail (ZUPDTL)

Field Name Key Data Type Description UPTMST K CHAR(26) Transaction timestamp e.g. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for MS SQL Servere.g. NOW(3) for MySQL UPTRXN K CHAR(10) Transaction code UPLIB K CHAR(10) AS400 library name UPOBJ K CHAR(10) AS400 file name UPMBR K CHAR(10) AS400 member name UPCODE K CHAR(1) Upload code (I/U/D) UPRRN K NUMBER(10,0) AS400 relative record

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(200) Create an AS400 user profile for QMirror/DB

1. To create an AS400 user profile ‘QMIRROR’, enter command: CRTUSRPRF USRPRF(QMIRROR) PASSWORD(xxxxxxxx) USRCLS(*USER) SPCAUT(*ALLOBJ *JOBCTL) PWDEXPITV(*NOMAX) 2. Or use any existing user profile which owns SPCAUT(*ALLOBJ *JOBCTL) authority. 3. The user profile has to have authority to execute following commands: ADDRPYLE, CHGJOB, CHGJRN, CPYF, CRTDTAATA, CRTJRN, CRTJRNRCV, CRTLIB (Notes), CRTMSGQ, DLTDTAARA, DLTF, DLTJRNRCV, ENDJRNPF, SNDJRNE,

(200) Create an AS400 user profile for QMirror/DB Read More »

(300) Install QMirror/DB

Since QMirror/DB demands tiny system resources, we recommend you to install it on the same PC server with database server. For remote download/replication processing, place QMirror/DB server at the AS400 site is better than at the PC databases site. 1. Download from 2. Uninstall QMirror/DB’s earlier version from Windows program menu list 3. Unzip, execute QMirror_DB_8xx.exe,

(300) Install QMirror/DB Read More »

(330) Configure QMirror/DB

1. Prepare data for configuration 2. Start configuration by c:\QMirrorDB\qmirror.bat 3. Accept the terms of the license agreement Do you accept the terms of the license agreement? (y/N/q) y 4. AS400 IP Address or Hostname 5. AS400 User ID 6. QMirror Working Library (default is ‘QMIRROR’) p.s. QMirror saves work files in working library

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