Knowledge Base

(A30) Extended fields master (ZEXFLD)

Field Name Key Data Type Description EXLIB K CHAR(10) AS400 library name EXFILE K CHAR(10) AS400 file name EXFLDE K CHAR(30) Extended field name EXRESV CHAR(1) Reserved EXFLDT CHAR(32) Extended field data type EXFUNC CHAR(500) Extended field function statementblank – User maintained field EXFTXT CHAR(50) Extended field comment EXSTS CHAR(1) Status of execution Refer to

(A30) Extended fields master (ZEXFLD) Read More »

(A50) Job log file (ZJBLOG) / Job status file (ZJBSTS)

Field Name Key Data Type Description ZJTYPE CHAR(1) Log typeblank – Delay status D – Download statusE – Error occurredR – Recovery statusS – SQL status ZJJBID NUMBER(3,0) Job ID ZJRPDT NUMBER(8,0) Reporting date ZJRPTM NUMBER(6,0) Reporting time ZJACTN CHAR(30) Action description ZJLIB CHAR(10) AS400 library name ZJOBJ CHAR(10) AS400 file name ZJMBR CHAR(10) AS400

(A50) Job log file (ZJBLOG) / Job status file (ZJBSTS) Read More »

(A80) System control file (ZSERVR)

Field Name Key Data Type Description ZVERNO CHAR(10) QMirror/DB version number ZSVRID CHAR(4) Configuration IDROOT – Primary configurationRefer to (550) Multiple AS400s / PCs configurations ZPTYPE CHAR(1,0) Target database type ZPINST CHAR(30) Target database instance name ZPTPIP CHAR(30) Target database IP address ZPPORT CHAR(10) Target database connection port ZPUSER CHAR(30) Target database user ID ZPPRFX

(A80) System control file (ZSERVR) Read More »

(A90) SQL statement master (ZTBSQL)

Field Name Key Data Type Description ZQNDX K NUMBER(9,0) Record index ZQBOA CHAR(1) C/B/A-before or after table creationA – Execute AFTER the table is downloadedB – Execute BEFORE the table starts downloadingC – Execute BEFORE the table is created ZQKEY TEXT Binding table list, separates by semicolon ZQSEQ NUMBER(9,0) Sequence of execution99998 – Index buildup

(A90) SQL statement master (ZTBSQL) Read More »

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